Following the success of his wife’s vision correction treatment, Peter Hartley-Jackson had Lens Replacement treatment at Advanced Vision Care on Harley Street in Central London:
My wife had previously had Multifocal lenses fitted in January and spoke highly of AVC. My only regret is I was not suitable for the same because the difference I have with the Clear Lens Exchange is fantastic and I wish I could have done away with my reading glasses as well. Everything is so clear and the colours are so bright. I realised what I have been missing.
Find out more about Lens Replacement
If you would like to find out more about Lens Replacement or any of the other vision correction treatments on offer at Advanced Vision Care and what it can do for your eyesight, then why not call AVC TODAY on 0800 652 4878 and request your free information pack or book your consultation to find out how we can help you.