New Implantable Contact Lenses Reviews – Lucinda Banaccorso:
Lucinda is an Account Handler professional who opted for Implantable Contact Lenses procedure (ICL) at Advanced Vision Care.
While AVC provide the most cutting edge laser eye surgery in the UK, our eye clinic also offers many additional vision correction treatments including ICL. In our video below, Lucinda describes how amazed she was at the simplicity of the procedure, AVC’s first class surgeons and the incredible results achieved from her treatment.
Watch video: Implantable Contact Lenses Reviews – Lucinda Banaccorso
Interested in ICL at AVC?
If you would like to find out more about Implantable Contact Lenses and what they can do for your vision, then why not call AVC TODAY on 0800 652 4878 and request your free information pack or book your consultation to find out how we can help you.